Updates - Back from vacation!
Back from the (not-so) dead!
Well, it’s been a minute. For those keeping score at home, I’ve been swamped with life—that pesky thing that keeps us all from our hobbies, side projects, and occasional sanity. This site somehow slipped down the priority list between work (did I mention work?), the kids, and the endless cycle of everyday life. Summer’s always a busy time, and this one? It feels like June still.
But it wasn’t just the usual keeping me away. I’d been thinking about updating my Jekyll template for a while, but I’ll admit—I was dragging my feet. I made a lot of custom tweaks to the old one and didn’t feel like going through the headache of merging it all. It felt like opening a can of worms that I was happy to leave on the shelf.
Of course, after months of procrastination, I finally checked out the latest version the other day, and—surprise—it incorporated many of the same changes I had already made. I could’ve saved myself some hassle, but where’s the fun in that? If you’re not doing it twice, you’re not trying hard enough. You can find the theme this site is built on here: https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy
And now here I am, freshly back from a much-needed vacation. Powered through most of The Walking Dead! Some sun, relaxation, zero work emails, lol, right. It was glorious, still. But don’t worry. I’m back in action now and ready to (hopefully) be a little more consistent with posts. Maybe the IT gremlins have blessed me with uptime for a bit. Maybe.
I have a bunch of posts all saved up, ready to go. I’ll start pushing them out soon!
So, yeah—I’m alive. Thanks for asking, and if you didn’t—well, thanks for making it all awkward!
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